Ready for the New Year? Tips for Making Resolutions for 2021

Categories: General
Tags: Seasons, Holidays, Life In Senior Living

Tips for Making Resolutions for 2021

As the year comes to a close, nearly everyone, regardless of age, is looking forward to closing the chapter on 2020! While no one can predict what 2021 has in store, anyone can resolve to make their everyday life just a little better with personal goals and intentions for the New Year.


Fellowship Square encourages seniors to get excited about the New Year with some easy resolution-making tips for 2021.


Start with the Why —

At the beginning of a New Year, many people resolve to lose weight, stick to a budget, or reconnect with friends. But oftentimes, the motivation to stick to those resolutions tends to fade by February. When making resolutions, seniors should consider changes they truly want to make — and why. When sticking to the resolution becomes challenging, difficult or even mundane, seniors can then look back on why they had resolved to make these changes in the first place. For example, some seniors may resolve to stick to a healthy diet to keep heart disease or diabetes at bay — so they can be around to see their grandchildren grow up. That all-important “why” helps keep people motivated to reach their resolutions!


Take it Step by Step —

Resolutions generally require a lifestyle change in some form or another. And for seniors that have been doing things the same way for a long time, this can present a real challenge! So it’s important to take it one step at a time. For example, seniors that want to lose weight shouldn’t go “cold turkey” and cut out an entire food group that they’ve being eating their whole lives (such as carbs or red meat), but instead take small steps towards cutting back of certain foods. For those that want to reduce their red meat intake, can aim to cut back one day a week at a time such as adding “Meatless Mondays” into their weekly routine.     


Be Realistic —

With any resolution or goal, it’s important to be realistic about the time, commitment and dedication it will take to reach the goal. In the case of seniors who may have health concerns or other limitations, it’s important to build in some grace when creating resolutions. It’s also a good idea not to put too much pressure into making major life-changing resolutions with goals or timelines that are simply not ascertainable. 


Planning Makes Perfect —

Well, almost! No need to aim for perfection; but when resolving to change one’s life for the better, planning is an essential key to success! Regardless of the goal, map it out. Goals are more easily achieved with a guideline so prior to starting any resolution, plan out getting from point A to point B… and don’t forget to account for some pit stops along the way to recognize those mini achievements!


As 2020 comes to a close, Fellowship Square invites its residents, staff and loved ones to welcome 2021 with a positive attitude and a realistic approach to any resolutions. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Fellowship Square

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