Celebrating Thanksgiving with Family Near and Far

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Tags: Seasons

Celebrating Thanksgiving with Family Near and Far


It’s almost Turkey Time! Though Thanksgiving is just around the corner, Fellowship Square understands that celebrations are going to look a little different this year. With COVID-19 cases on the rise again, and seniors considered to be high-risk, Fellowship Square advises all families to be extra cautious when it comes to how they celebrate this season. But that doesn’t mean families can’t connect and be “together” even if physically apart this year.


Fellowship Square offers ways for seniors to celebrate Thanksgiving while staying safe.


Keep it Simple —

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that celebrating with “members of your own household (who are consistently taking measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19) poses the lowest risk for spread.” The organization defines a household as anyone currently living with or sharing spaces in a housing unit, which can include family members or people that are not related. While it may be tempting to see grandchildren coming home from college or family members flying in from out of state, the CDC notes that bringing people together from different households poses varying levels of risk. So it may be best for seniors to keep their celebrations simple this year and stay within their households.


Take it Outside —

But that doesn’t mean they have to be stuck inside, and experts agree that being outside with good air circulation is a safer option than being cooped up inside in close proximity to anyone. Right now, since the weather is so beautiful, consider a Thanksgiving “picnic” outdoors where family members can spread out and be safe.


Celebrate Virtually —

For those with large families, it may be tough not to “see” one another this year. But it’s easier than ever to be together while apart thanks to today’s amazing technology. Schedule a family Thanksgiving dinner via Zoom or another live video format that allows family members to log in to see and talk to each other in real time. While this might not be the same as hugging and talking in person, it’s the safest option for now and it’s still a great way for families to connect during these times. Participants on the call can take turns saying what they’re grateful for this year, sharing a prayer or some good news that has happened to them in 2020 (for a positive spin on this difficult year).


Put it on Pause —

Rather than trying to have a modified Thanksgiving, many people are opting to simply put the celebration on pause until its safer to get together. Consider having a small celebration within the household, and then plan to celebrate “properly” with extended family and loved ones when its deemed safe to do so.

Fellowship Square reminds seniors to be cautious however they decide to celebrate this Thanksgiving. For those feeling lonely or sad that celebrations just aren’t the same, can always turn to God for comfort and solace.

Fellowship Square

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