Prayer 101: How to Strengthen One’s Connection to God

Categories: General
Tags: Faith

Senior woman reading Bible.Bible studies at Fellowship Square Senior Living

A connection to God can give people much comfort and solace at any stage in life. For those that are aging — and often dealing with the loss of family, friends or loved ones; struggling with health issues; or experiencing physical pain or mental anguish — strengthening their connection to God can bring some incredible enlightenment and much needed joy into seniors’ lives, while also alleviating stress related to these issues. Through prayer, seniors can strengthen their connection to God and regain happiness and serenity in their Golden Years.


Fellowship Square offers simple tips for using prayer to reconnect with the Lord.


Commit to Reconnecting —

If it has been a while since a senior has been to church, prayed, or felt a bond with God, reconnecting can sometimes feel awkward, difficult, or even pointless. To get reacquainted with God, it’s going to take a commitment. Seniors should be mindful of this commitment and make time every day — even if it’s just for 10 minutes at a time — to reach out to the Lord. This can be at the beginning of the day by showing appreciation to the Lord for a new day, during a quiet moment when seniors need some extra strength, or before bed thanking Him for the gifts of that day. 


Start with Gratitude —

Speaking of giving thanks, an important part of rebuilding a relationship with God is being grateful. Seniors can make a list of the things in their lives that they are grateful for — a long life, good friends, family, a roof over their head, a great doctor, etc. — and then thank God for his gifts. After giving thanks, seniors can then move on to asking God for what they need.


It’s Okay to Ask —

God is here for his children — all they have to do is ask. Seniors should not be afraid to talk to God and ask for strength to get through a difficult day or direction on how to handle a challenging situation, for example. The more seniors reach out to Him, the more they will begin to feel His presence and His power in each day.  


Praying is a simple, natural, and beautiful way to connect with God. Beyond seeking his solace through prayer, reading scripture can also be a wonderful way to incorporate the word of the Lord into seniors’ prayers. Fellowship Square encourages people of all ages to find comfort through challenges with the power of prayer.   

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